Forming components from steel tubing or partially processed punch-process parts.
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Explanation for Bulge-Forming Process
The basic principle in Bulgeforming is to insert a tubing into a mold, then introducing fluid under extremely high pressure to compress the tube ends towards the center of the mold while forcing the tubing wall to expand into the mold cavity all in one motion. This process is being applied to low carbon, stainless steel, copper, brass, aluminum and other variety of alloy tubings.

Tube inserted into a split mold with recess shaped to the external shape of the product.

The upper mold is lowered and clamps the tubing.

As the fluid under pressure is fed into the inside of the tubing, left and right pistons move to seal off the tube ends.

As the internal pressure is raised, the tubing starts to bulge.

As internal pressure continues to be increased, the pistons are forced towards the center, compressing and bulging the tubing until it is expanded into the mold cavity.

Then the upper mold is raised, pistons retract and the cycle is completed.
The cross shape was bulge-formed from a single straight tube.
Rotate the sample, the wall thickness does not change at the tip of Bulge-forming part.