Forming components from steel tubing or partially processed punch-process parts.
TOP > #511 SUS304 Lugs Bicycle
#511 SUS304 Lugs Bicycle
Stainless Lugs keep shining and stay strong from the rust.
This is the best Lugs for the high-end steel frame bicycle.

This frame was exhibited at 2013NAHBS in Denver which was built #511stainless Lugs in mirror finish.

#511 sus304
1 : The mirror finish is strong from the rust compaire with CP finish.
2 : If scratched on the surface , just repolish to get back mirror finish.
3 : To use mirror finish stainless Lugs save a lots of work for steel frame building.
Top Head :
Bottom Head :
Seat Lug :
BB Shell
62° * 64°
Manufactured by Matsuda Cycle Factory Co.,Ltd. *
Tubing Kaisei #8630R
Hnadle Stem & Bar Nitto #B25200AA
Pedal Mikashima #CT-LITE
Derailleur Shimano #Tiagra RD-4600-SS
Lights Smart
* 2013 NAHBS AWARDS WINNER OF President's choice award and Best Track Bike.